With so many real estate agents vying for their business, buyers and sellers are free to work with and seek a number of different options. This can be great for both sides, but it can also present its challenges. When you’re working with a client who suddenly changes their mind and decides to work with another agent, it can be a frustrating and disappointing situation. While your first reaction may be based on emotion, it’ll be worthwhile to remain calm and avoid lashing out. In order to use the opportunity to your advantage, here are four tips for handling client rejection.
1. Don’t Take It Personally
The most important thing to keep in mind when in this situation is to avoid taking the rejection personally. Often, our first reaction is to jump to conclusions and take our frustrations out on the client. This is likely the worst thing that could happen. Without having the full story, it’s easy to make judgements and assume their decision had to do with us personally. For all you know, the client could have just learned their friend is an agent and would prefer to work with them or they’re extremely short on funds and received a better rate from another agent. Instead of reacting out of anger or hurt, stay calm and remember that, in the end, it’s a business decision.
2. Ask Questions
This can be tricky; if it’s for a personal reason, the client could feel uncomfortable disclosing why they’ve opted to work with another agent. However, if the opportunity arises, you could ask why they chose to go another direction. To keep the conversation light and neutral, say something like “I’d love to get your feedback for when I’m working with future clients. What was it that made you change your mind?” You could learn that the decision was affected by something outside of your control, and this could change your outlook. On the other hand, if it was something specific that you did, use the opportunity as a learning experience.
3. Remind Them That You’re Still There
Even though they’ve decided not to work with you now, it doesn’t mean they’ll never request your help in the future. A good way to leave the door open is, when you receive the news, respond with something like, “Thanks for letting me know. Feel free to reach out if you change your mind or need any help in the future.” This is a great way to let them know you’re not taking it personally while also not sounding desperate. If they decide not to work with you now, they could still refer others to you or contact you in the future.
4. Focus on Positivity
While it’s natural to feel disappointed by rejection, try to reframe and create a positive energy. Remind yourself that some things are out of your control and it’s not a reflection of you. You can also take the time to reflect on your accomplishments to rebuild your foundation. If you did make a mistake, learn from it to avoid letting the same thing happen again. When reacting to the news from your client, be sure that your positivity comes through by responding with something like, “This couldn’t have been an easy decision.”
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